
EDITORIAL: The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Voices of the Few

Vocal minorities tend to lead perception. It’s not necessarily because they are right, but because they are loud, consistent in message and sometimes the only mouthpiece. Lately however, that vox populi has taken its gripes and issues to an entirely new level; one that ridicules, mocks and bullies creators online, as well as posting critical and negative comments to anything and everything covering something that supposedly brings these fans great joy. All of these behaviors can easily be attached to countless fandoms currently occupying the zeitgeist, yet sadly it seems to have taken a firm hold on Star Trek, which is disappointing considering what the franchise represents.

Who Owns Star Trek? BuzzFeed asks

Adam B. Vary of BuzzFeed just published an in depth article on Star Trek fandom (centered primarily around the reboot movies and Axanar as two different sides of Trek and fandom), titled “Who Owns Star Trek? How Star Trek Created, Lost, And Won Back Its Devoted Fandom”. With interviews from Trek actors, producers, directors, and fans, it’s a great read. Click through for some choice excerpts.

Trekonderoga celebrates Star Trek this Labor Day weekend

Star Trek fans looking for an experience uniquely geared for them need look no further than what’s beaming in to Ticonderoga, New York, from September 4th – 6th. The new convention, Trekonderoga, will be celebrating all things Trek. In attendance will be an array of guests who were part of Star Trek both in front and behind the cameras. In addition to the more traditional celebrity aspect of a convention, they will also be hosting tours of actual sets, conducting make-up workshops, and special episode screenings with creators adding commentary along the way.

Trekkies Ready their Costumes for Phoenix Comicon

Phoenix Comicon (PhxCC) is just around the corner, and Trekkies are deep into preparing their costumes for the big event. TrekMovie’s costuming expert Michael Nguyen talked with cosplayers from all over the Grand Canyon State to find out how they get Trekked out for the con. Whether they’re making costumes, commissioning them, or buying parts for them, one thing is clear: Trekkies from all over Arizona are busy gearing up for one of the biggest conventions in the Southwest.