Articles by Michael A. Nguyen

Who had the best costume at STLV15? Let the judges decide in the official costume contest

One of the highlights of the Convention was the costume contest held on Saturday, August 8. Every year convention goers share their creativity and enthusiasm with their costume creations. This year Creation invited participants to compete in three categories: ensign (beginner), lieutenant (intermediate), and captain (expert). Contestants had to submit photos of their costumes ahead of time as well as participate in pre-judging. There were six judges that came from a variety of backgrounds such as actors from Star Trek, costuming professionals, and science fields.

Trekkies Ready their Costumes for Phoenix Comicon

Phoenix Comicon (PhxCC) is just around the corner, and Trekkies are deep into preparing their costumes for the big event. TrekMovie’s costuming expert Michael Nguyen talked with cosplayers from all over the Grand Canyon State to find out how they get Trekked out for the con. Whether they’re making costumes, commissioning them, or buying parts for them, one thing is clear: Trekkies from all over Arizona are busy gearing up for one of the biggest conventions in the Southwest.